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Analysis of @A_Sunwood FOLLOWERS

Analysis of @A_Sunwood FOLLOWERS

The top three countries where A_Sunwood's Twitter followers are from include South Korea(59%)Japan(18%)and UK.(18%). Whearas the top three states/provinces where A_Sunwood's Twitter followers come from are Seoul, South Korea(59%), Somewhere, Japan(18%) and England, UK.(18%). Finally the 3 cities where A_Sunwood's Twitter followers are the most from are Seoul, South Korea(59%), Somewhere, Japan(18%) and England, UK.(18%)

About @A_Sunwood (비가역손상중인 엘):
Althea라고 쓰고 엘시어라고 읽습니다. 후죠시는 아닙니다? 기본적으로 진보적 보수, 개별 사안마다 스탠스가 다름. 타임라인에 있는 분들을 신경쓰며 트윗합니다. 평소 트윗은 신변잡기/탐라 흐름을 따름

@A_Sunwood said:
My followers live in South Korea(59%),Japan(18%),UK.(18%) & more!A_Sunwood Create your map free
Analysis of @A_Sunwood FOLLOWERS

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