Find Fake Followers With a Quality Audit.
Quality Audit

Follower Quality Audit

Audit your followers or anyone’s followers, like future collaborators with a full range of audience analysis tools to take even more action. Your audit gives you a social score that shows the health of your followers depending on bots or fake follower activity! If you have bot-like followers, then your other metrics will not be accurate, and your growth will slow down. After running an audit, try these other features available in Fedica:

  • Filter and sort your followers with follower segmentation for inactive people and other people that have no profile pictures, for example.
  • After finding fake accounts following you, check the people you follow for inactive accounts and filter out those following you too.
  • Track all the people who stop following you, so you don’t get stuck following them and check the history of who followed who when.
  • Compare your follower demographics and stats with the people engaging with you to spot if it is your content, fake followers or activity that is slowing your growth.
Protect your account from spammers and people who don’t contribute to your community. Check your account's health right now!

Available to Fedica premium plans members for X (Twitter).