Advocate for Fedica and post with a profit!

Help small businesses grow and generate income while you’re at it.

Earn up to a recurring 35% commission while building your authority

Join for Free

We partner with like-minded brand advocates to share the support of Fedica exclusive capabilities. You'll get unique tracking links that you can use to share any Fedica page on your website, a social media post, or blog — however you choose! Global brands to small businesses love Fedica for different capabilities so there’s a fit for everyone. Let's work together.

Become an Affiliate

Start for free, use marketing materials, tools, and more!

Promote Fedica

Share Fedica with your target audience. There’s a match for every solution.

Start Earning

Earn now and into the future. Track your conversions and improve your success.
Join for Free
Trusted By Millions Of Extraordinary People


Let our marketing guide show you the typical pains our customers feel so you succeed while sharing solutions that work.


Access GIFs, photos and social media posts to jumpstart your unique promotional messages.


60-Day Cookie Earn commission for each new customer you refer.


Get the new product launch news and assets first and grow your authority . Use Fedica’s analytics tools to increase your payouts.


Real-Time Tracking Track all your traffic, referrals, and payouts with a personalized dashboard.


Accumulating Payouts Get paid each month for every new customer you refer and those who renew their current subscription.

Earn more over time


0 to 25 Referrals New and recurring comissions 25%


25 to 100 Referrals New and recurring comissions 30%


100+ Referrals New and recurring comissions 35%

Why Choose Fedica?

Fast-Growing Platform That Sells Itself

Our industry-leading social media management platform is loved by millions of users across the globe. Fedica’s powerful brand does all your heavy lifting, while the tools you can use make it easier than ever to find what makes your niche sign up.

Early Access to News & Updates

Becoming a Fedica affiliate grants you carefully crafted materials and constant updates on product releases people want to hear about, plus professional tips like how to optimize your efforts.

Promotional Guidance

Receive professional materials and inspiration on how to target different personas with every new feature launch or update to the platform, and informative guides to get you started.

Track Your Growth

Meet your growth goals using powerful tracking tools to monitor your sales, clicks, and campaigns. View your earnings, track performance, and get paid on the same date every month.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fedica?

Fedica is an all-in-one social media publishing, analytics, listening & research platform revolutionizing social management for multiple networks on a future-focused path to innovation and fediverse adoption.

How does Fedica's affiliate program work?

Fedica affiliates earn up to 35% of revenue for each new customer that starts their premium plans. Each affiliate creates a custom account through First Promoter that tracks their referrals in real time. Referrals have 60 days from using your link to sign up for a Fedica membership in order to qualify for the commission.

Who is eligible for Fedica's affiliate program?

Fedica’s affiliate program is free to join for anybody that has at least one demonstrated channel and audience that is aligned with Fedica’s brand. Channels include: blogs, Facebook groups, Pinterest, Instagram, or X (Twitter), Mastodon, LinkedIn followers, or email newsletters. All affiliates must create an account through First Promoter and also have a free Fedica account.

How do referral payouts work?

Affiliates will receive payouts once their account has gained at least $50 USD in commissions. Payments are made through their preferred payment specified in First Promoter. Need more help? Contact us with more questions.
Imagine what you can earn if you refer 100’s of customers!

Your Success Is Our Priority

Join our affiliate program to track referrals, measure performance, view earnings, and earn commissions while you build your community.

Become an Affiliate